With crisp evenings and frosty mornings on the horizon, getting ready to hibernate is number one on the agenda – and there’s no hibernation-aid quite like bed socks. As if we needed a further excuse to get cosy this winter, there’s a lot more to our beautiful Yawn bed socks than looking and feeling good.
With winter wonders top of mind, we’ve been researching the benefits of wearing socks to bed. It turns out bed socks not only help us fall asleep faster, but they also help us to stay asleep for longer.
1. How bed socks help us fall asleep faster
First up, wearing socks to bed helps people fall asleep quicker. Socks assist the body’s internal temperature regulation, increasing the blood flow to the feet, which in turn helps to lower core body temperatures. A lower body temperature tells the body that it is ready for sleeping – simple as.
2. How bed socks help us stay asleep longer
Secondly, based on the same logic, sleeping with socks on can help people to sleep longer. Bed socks are specifically designed to assist the body in keeping the skin warm while generally staying cooler overall. Studies show that cashmere and Merino wool socks make the best bed socks because their extra small fibres allow for excess body heat to disperse more easily.
3. How bed socks can prevent hot flushes
One of the added benefits of sleep socks for some women is that improved body temperature regulation can reduce the likelihood of hot flushes, sometimes linked to menopause. Because socks help to lower the overall core body temperature of the wearer, this can prevent sudden bursts of intense warmth.
4. How bed socks can reduce symptoms of Raynaud's disease
Raynaud's disease occurs when the body's extremities lose circulation and might throb or swell. By improving blood circulation and keep your feet warm, wearing socks to sleep has been linked to preventing an attack from Raynaud's disease.
So, the results are in, and wearing bed socks in the evening and through the night not only makes you look cute and feel warm, but also provides a solution for an array of sleep-related issues.
Now I’m not sure about you, but all this talk of sleep is making me reach for my sleep socks … Zzzzzzzzz. Yawn sleep socks are made from the finest cashmere and merino wool blend from Italy. They're available in a variety of beautiful colours - so what are you waiting for?