Notes from Yawn | Our super-soft organic cotton
Our purchases come at a price beyond the tag. After years of hard work, Yawn’s nightwear range is now made of the finest quality organic cotton. Call it psychological, but we think it feels even softer...
Fabric is the single, most important element in creating Yawn’s luxury nightwear; it’s why our customers come back and why we make it bespoke. But our purchases also come at a price, beyond what’s on the tag. Yawn’s mission from the start was to use organic cotton in its women’s collections:
Organic cotton uses 88% less water, 62% less energy and no toxic chemicals.
But there’s only a small percentage of organic cotton available in the marketplace, about 0.7%. To be a part of it, brands need to place sizeable orders with suppliers - no mean feat for a small business. Over the last five years, we've been visiting factories to build trusted relationships. Now - after years of work - we are able to buy organic cotton, without compromising on the fabric’s tactile quality. Call it psychological, but we think it feels even softer. You be the judge.
Every time we purchase our organic cotton from the mills in India that we work with we get a certificate from GOTS, certifying our greige cotton as organic. With that confirmation, we can standing behind our ethics page - a set of values that we are proud of and continually challenge ourselves to update and improve. GOTS makes sure that:
- Inputs in processing the fabric comply with strict biodegradability and toxicity requirements
- Factories have functioning wastewater treatment plants to protect local ecosystems and water supplies
- Products do not contain any allergenic, carcinogenic or toxic chemical residues
- Core International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions are met throughout manufacture and a social compliance management system
And here’s some background on the growing of GOTS-cotton fabric:
- Organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers
- Soil is nurtured through farming methods such as crop rotation, composting and mulching, which retains moisture in the soil making it viable in the long term
- GOTS prohibits the use of GM (genetically modified) seeds meaning it gives control back to the farmers who are free to save seeds and choose what they grow - normal cotton seeds are controlled by GM giants
So Yawn's core collections of luxury pyjamas, nightshirts, nightdresses, shorts and bottoms are now all made from our organic cotton.
While people wear clothes, we’re here to make them last. Buy better, buy less, wear until it’s full of memories.
Love Yawn x
Discover the organic collection here.