What drew you to join Cubitt House?
I think working in hospitality is amazing. It never feels like work. It has so many different aspects from the people, and the community, through to the food, drink, music, art, menus, charity, sustainability, design – the creativity - and then running a business from the marketing, sales, finance & all other aspects. There is no other industry like it and I wish more people would see it as a career.
Cubitt House is very lucky – it has some of London’s oldest & most beautiful pubs. Many of these have been around, serving their communities, for hundreds of years even during wars, recessions, depressions through to pandemics. There’s something solid about a British pub – it serves everyone no matter who they are or what they do and sits at the heart of our communities. Even here in London where community is often said to be lacking – it's not in our pubs. Locals come in and know each other. They chat to the bartenders and the front of house. It’s a sort of therapy for many – in a big city where people can be ignored. Pubs are uniquely British and everyone loves a pub.
Cubitt House pubs and bedrooms are filled with such beautiful details, what influences your interior style?
Each one of Cubitt House’s pubs is unique and every building has its own story, its own look and feel. We decided to refurbish all the pubs in the last few years and have added three since we joined. When it comes to designing our pubs, it sounds fairly basic but we just do what we think works, being guided by the architecture. For example, a Georgian building will have a very different feel to a 16th century Tudor one, but from that point on it’s all about making the space as beautiful, comfortable and usable as possible. We want to create timeless spaces that don’t follow fashion or trends partly because of the architecture and partly because we don’t want to have to refurbish them every few years. Our pubs have a long history, so we need to be true to that and can’t go totally modern or do anything crazy. It would look very strange if we went all white and put up lots of modern art. It’s also about expectation – our guests want to come and have an experience in a London pub but one with a touch of glamour. There are lots of proper boozers around and they are great but they are not what Cubitt House do.
Which women inspire you most and why?
I don’t really like to draw distinctions between people as I think I have lots of people who inspire me and amaze me – people that I meet every day, male and female, that are just everyday good, kind people who often help others rather than putting themselves first, without egos. I think I’m more inspired by that than by the great and the good.
In a world where many women are feeling stretched do you have any tips for our audience on switching off?
I think everyone feels stretched no matter who you are or what you do. Lives are very busy and I’m not sure I’m the right person to talk to about switching off as I never do – I’m a busy fool.
When and where are you at your most relaxed and happy?
At home with the Sunday newspapers with my family and dogs around me, just pottering around the house and the garden. I love gardening which is a strange concept to me really as my mother loves it and I never thought that I would - maybe its an age thing.
What is your bedtime routine?
Usually I just shower or bath and collapse into bed. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I read the papers on my iPhone which is such a bad habit and I need to stop doing it and inevitably I click on something that takes me down a worm hole and wastes my time.
Quick Fire
Top book on your reading list?
I love books like Love in the Time of Cholera, 100 years of Solitude or The Kiterunner but I’m trying to read the classics as I realised I don’t have that many years left and I can’t die without reading all of Dicken’s books so I’m working my way through them (slowly).
Favourite song to relax to?
No particular favourite – usually its whatever the rest of the family want to play and I don’t really get a look in with a husband and teenagers who are all into music.
Favourite podcast?
The Coming Storm by Gabriel Gatehouse.
Pyjamas or nightshirt or nightdress?
Night cap or night cream?
What is your favourite Yawn print and why?
Hounds of Love – I love geometric designs and I love this twist on a classic pattern.
Fancy winning 2 pairs of Yawn pyjamas, 2 pairs of cashmere blend socks, and a 1 night stay for 2 in a boutique hotel room at The Orange? Enter the Yawn x Cubitt House competition now.